sound circles

sound as creation

Sound & Earth Harmonic Cosmograms.

The sound is a great healing. Your own sound is the medicine. The medicine is right here, you don’t have to go anywhere. It is in your body. It is right there in you. You just have to wake it up. So sing and sing and sing and sing…Only by singing you will really realize this sound is inside you. – Parvathy Baul 

Sound, as a vibrational force, not only influences human biology but also extends its impact to the natural world and elemental systems. The Earth, like the human body, operates through vibrational frequencies—oceans, winds, and even the movement of tectonic plates produce sound waves that interact with the environment. These elemental sounds, whether the rustling of leaves or the hum of the Earth’s crust, are part of a larger resonance that connects living systems. When sound has intent, it can harmonize with these natural frequencies, aligning human beings with the Earth’s vibrational patterns. This resonance creates a sense of balance and interconnectedness, reinforcing the idea that sound is a bridge between the self and the planet. It can restore equilibrium in both human systems and the broader ecological landscape by aligning with the fundamental vibrations that shape physical and energetic realities. The link between sound and the planet reflects how vibration organizes both life and the elements, suggesting a deep symbiosis between the Earth’s rhythms and human well-being.