I surrender at my Guru’s feet and I offer my heartfelt reverence and deep obeisance to my beloved teachers, who have shown me profound truths and gifted me with courage and clarity in the pursuit of my path. My main teachers are my ancestors, of both blood and spirit, who have guided me every step of the way and taught me the wisdom of Gaia, bringing me into deep learning from Her. I honor the guidance of my spiritual and energy teachers, whose wisdom and presence have illuminated my way, teaching me about dharma, healing, and the spirit of alchemical energy practices. Each of these lineage teachers has opened doors to deeper understanding, revealing the unending path of learning that awaits, and I remain humbly receptive to their guidance. Jai Siya Ram.
Inside the mind of the human being is divinity and that treasure when anybody seeks, then he or she becomes a bhakta and therefore to say that I’m going to find the Truth without any bhava or bhakti is absolute nonsense, it cannot be done. You can learn all the Upanishads, you can practise yoga … but if the heart has not melted, nothing can happen. – Sri M